
近日和几位房东朋友讨论有关ResidentialTenancies Act, 2006 (以下简称“民租法”),朋友们纷纷感觉有必要多多了解房东的责任和权利。我就拣选了几个最初步的话题,借这个机会,和大家一起学习民租法,以期房东更好地经营自己的出租物业。


【问题1】租客James说灯泡坏了,要房东买?房东老张说是James用坏了,应该James 买!谁说得对?




Landlord’sresponsibility to repair

20. (1) A landlord is responsible for providing andmaintaining a residential complex, including the rental units in it, in a goodstate of repair and fit for habitation and for complying with health, safety,housing and maintenance standards.  2006,c. 17, s. 20 (1).



(2) Subsection (1) applies even if the tenant was aware of astate of non-repair or a contravention of a standard before entering into thetenancy agreement.  2006, c. 17, s. 20(2).


Landlord’sresponsibility re services

21. (1) A landlord shall not at any time during a tenant’soccupancy of a rental unit and before the day on which an order evicting thetenant is executed, withhold the reasonable supply of any vital service, careservice or food that it is the landlord’s obligation to supply under thetenancy agreement or deliberately interfere with the reasonable supply of anyvital service, care service or food. 2006, c. 17, s. 21 (1).



(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a landlord shall bedeemed to have withheld the reasonable supply of a vital service, care serviceor food if the landlord is obligated to pay another person for the vitalservice, care service or food, the landlord fails to pay the required amountand, as a result of the non-payment, the other person withholds the reasonablesupply of the vital service, care service or food.  2006, c. 17, s. 21 (2).








【问题2】租客Linda说租屋冰箱坏了,她的食物没法吃了,拿着$130 receipt要房东赔,房东丽丽修了冰箱,但拒赔食物损失。房东对吗?


这个问题和上面的类似。也是出租中的“物业维护”问题(maintenance)。冰箱是厨房设备之一。一般地,也列入了租金涵盖的范围。但注意,冰箱不属于维生要件(vitalservice)。维生要件仅包括冷或热水、燃料、电力供应、天然气和暖气。民租法第2条第1款,对“Vital Service”的范围,给出了明确的定义。





【问题3】租客Raylast month deposit是不是可以分期付,房东老李说可以,但Ray搬进后一直不付最后一个月租,老李说要给Notice,上board去告。老李去告,有法律依据吗?


Rentdeposit may be required

106. (1) A landlord may require a tenant to pay a rentdeposit with respect to a tenancy if the landlord does so on or before enteringinto the tenancy agreement.  2006, c. 17,s. 106 (1).



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Applicationof Act

3. (1) This Act, except Part V.1, applies with respect torental units in residential complexes, despite any other Act and despite anyagreement or waiver to the contrary. 2013, c. 3, s. 22 (1).




 联系方式:于先生  647-352-8388


 网址:   http://www.ryulegal.ca
