电话: 647-381-0318
- 房东和租客有一个租约,无论是书面还是口头,都被认可是合法而且成立的。那么就是有约定可循。但是一般来说,建议房东和租客都签一份书面的租约。
- “租约中”说12月31日到期,意味着租用的结束日在租约中被规定成了12月31日。证据中没有说明租客是否表示过在12月31日自愿离开,或者不离开。那么,法律认为是不离开。
- 既然法律认为是不离开,那么租客就有权继续居住。
- 根据是民租法的第三十八条。
Deemed renewal where no notice
- (1)If a tenancy agreement for a fixed term ends and has not been renewed or terminated, the landlord and tenant shall be deemed to have renewed it as a monthly tenancy agreement containing the same terms and conditions that are in the expired tenancy agreement and subject to any increases in rent charged in accordance with this Act. 2006, c. 17, s. 38 (1).
(2) If the period of a daily, weekly or monthly tenancy ends and the tenancy has not been renewed or terminated, the landlord and tenant shall be deemed to have renewed it for another day, week or month, as the case may be, with the same terms and conditions that are in the expired tenancy agreement and subject to any increases in rent charged in accordance with this Act. 2006, c. 17, s. 38 (2).
(3) If the period of a periodic tenancy ends, the tenancy has not been renewed or terminated and subsection (2) does not apply, the landlord and tenant shall be deemed to have renewed it as a monthly tenancy, with the same terms and conditions that are in the expired tenancy agreement and subject to any increases in rent charged in accordance with this Act. 2006, c. 17, s. 38 (3).
- 房东的确将物业中的一间租给了租客。
- 房东的儿子和租客从租用开始的第一天起,就共同使用卫生间。房东的儿子和租客在租约开始前就都知道这个安排。
- 房东表达了租客欠租这一事实。
- 根据第五条第(i)款,房东或房东的家人与租客共同使用厨房或卫生间,民租法不管辖。
Exemptions from Act
- This Act does not apply with respect to,
(i) living accommodation whose occupant or occupants are required to share a bathroom or kitchen facility with the owner, the owner’s spouse, child or parent or the spouse’s child or parent, and where the owner, spouse, child or parent lives in the building in which the living accommodation is located;
- 您与租客有一个租约,租约中表达租期是从今年的6月1日起,明年的5月31日止,为期12个月。
- 您打算请租客的明年的2月底搬出,因为有亲属要用。
- 您提前了六十天给租客发出了搬家通知。
- 您忽略了您与租客有一个为期一年,并且是在明年5月31日才到期结束的租约,您在要求租客於租约未结束前搬家,您的行为是有意(或因不知法而)违约,应立即停止。
- 您可以尝试与租客讨论,是否租客也愿意提前解除租约。如果租客不愿意,您无法结束租约。如果租客愿意,您可以和租客协商任何条款。同时签一个协议书,以解除原租约。
- 民租法第三十七条有具体表述。
Termination only in accordance with Act
- (1)A tenancy may be terminated only in accordance with this Act. 2006, c. 17, s. 37 (1).
Termination by agreement
(3) A notice of termination need not be given if a landlord and a tenant have agreed to terminate a tenancy. 2006, c. 17, s. 37 (3).
When agreement void
(5) An agreement between a landlord and tenant to terminate a tenancy is void if it is entered into,
(a) at the time the tenancy agreement is entered into; or
(b) as a condition of entering into the tenancy agreement. 2006, c. 17, s. 37 (5).
Application of subss. (4) and (5)
(6) Subsections (4) and (5) do not apply to rental units occupied by students of one or more post-secondary educational institutions,
(a) in a residential complex owned, operated or administered by or on behalf of the post-secondary educational institutions; or
(b) in a residential complex where a non-profit housing co-operative provides housing units primarily for post-secondary students. 2013, c. 3, s. 25.
(7) Subsections (4) and (5) do not apply to rental units in a residential complex with respect to which the landlord has entered into an agreement with one or more post-secondary educational institutions providing,
(a) that the landlord, as of the date the agreement is entered into and for the duration of the agreement, rents the rental units which are the subject of the agreement only to students of the institution or institutions;
(b) that the landlord will comply with the maintenance standards set out in the agreement with respect to the rental units which are the subject of the agreement; and
(c) that the landlord will not charge a new tenant of a rental unit which is a subject of the agreement a rent which is greater than the lawful rent being charged to the former tenant plus the guideline. 2006, c. 17, s. 37 (7).
于戎伟 法律顾问
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