商以致富,兼怀天下 - 专访新趋势地产创始人兼CEO彭巍先生

Business . Wealth. Territory

Interview with founder&CEO Mr Well Peng

/Yajie Bao        /高度




What makes an established entrepreneur? Astuteness, honesty and the ability or willingness to take responsibility and risks.

What are the traits to describe a successful one? In one’s mind, the audacity and boldness for innovative business ideas coexist with the mindfulness and self-possession. One can be extremely flexible and willing to not only take the lead to be the centre of the attention, but also work tremendously hard on his own craft while on his own.

Nu Stream Realty has transformed from a new brokerage to a known-to-all platinum real estate company. Nu Stream Vancouver now has 191 elite realtors/agents and up til now, we have closed 2046 deals with the gross sales amount 2 billion 4 hundred 80 million. Soon after we established our Vancouver team, we kept expanding our business and reached Toronto and other North American markets. Although crowned the CEO and founder, Mr Well Peng has been low profile and meticulously self-inspect quite often. We are honoured to have him to share his experience creating and founding the Nu Stream empire.



Ever since couple years ago, Vancouver real estate field has been extremely “heated”. It has been challenging to have a fair share in the market among all the competition. What made you initiate the launch of the company during that particular time?



A: I particularly like the “challenge” since you have mentioned it. Many think it simple to survive in a heated market, but I could not agree. What we tried to do was not only getting a piece of cake but also becoming the ones who make the cake. In that “heated” market, there had been a great many small company popping up but only few of them could actually thrive. For me personally, I wish we could create a corporation that could last, which could stands still against all kinds of market situations and cultivates a long-lasting corporational culture. I like challenges because It could bring countless opportunities. Unlike the traditional brokerage, we were the first to run the company which puts the teamwork first.  



Q: Regarding to business model being unique that you just mentioned, could you give us a detailed explanation?



具体而言,新趋势的培训非常多,授课内容特别有针对性,既有房地产交易知识的讲解,也有整个市场及区域市场的动态分析,更有大牌经纪(多为Team Leader)的经验分享,让公司里的年轻经纪都觉得受益匪浅。曾经有年轻人开玩笑地说,没加入新趋势之前当助手,就学会了Open House开门与关门。这种传统老式的中国师徒关系,在新趋势是完全看不到的。在一个团队里,队长与队员之间的经验传授分享是无私的,大家协同作战,资源共享。我们不需要“首富”,我们需要的是“人皆有财,天下大同”。

A: In sum, our teamwork model is having many team leaders and each one of them specializing in 1 area. Members from each team help each other. The resource sharing between different teams happen quite often. Most importantly, every individual and the company are closely connected, even more connected than most of the brokerages. Both the Vancouver and Toronto head quarter provide solid support for all the agents and the support includes training classes, networking opportunity, comprehensive marketing strategies, and strong administration team. This business model can push the sales force to its highest potential and secure them with strongest backup support.

Nu Stream offers many specific trainings and topics cover a wide range such as trading knowledge in real estate, meta-market and local market analysis, lectures from several well renowned and experienced agents. It has occurred to me once that a young agent came to me and told me a joke back then when he wasn’t with Nu Stream and helped at the open house, all he had learnt was opening and closing the doors. Here is how we are different. The sharing and helping between the leaders and team members are heart-to-heart and unselfish. Like soldiers, they fight for the team and hope for the best for the team.



Q: Nu Stream stands out because of the “teamwork model” concept undoubtedly. How does that apply to customer service?



所有看过我们公司Open House的客户都说,我们做的太完美了,但真功夫并不是一天修炼而成的。从事先预热、到家居布置、再到销售策略以及经纪人员分工安排,我们的流程清晰,细节实施一丝不苟,完全体现了大团队协作的核心竞争力。可能有人会认为说,为一个卖家这么下本,值得么?我认为值得。新趋势曾代理过一处房产,之前的经纪4个多月还没卖掉,转到新趋势,Staging过程进展一个没少,几天功夫全部就绪,半个月成功售出,让本已不抱希望的屋主大喜过望,自然成了公司的忠实客户。对我们而言,没有不值得的房子,只有不负责任的经纪。

2016年下半年,温哥华新政出台,房市几乎可以用“惨淡”来形容。但在列治文,新趋势尽管掌握的房源市场占有率没有一半,而Open House数量却占到一半。当别的经纪或屋主绝望时,公司仍动作不变形,服务不走样。市场好坏与冷热不该影响公司服务品质。新趋势自成立即定下高标准的服务准则,一直贯彻如初。如今多伦多也开始实施新政,但新趋势地产的房源依然在Open House时车流不断,摩肩接踵。新趋势的异军突起,致胜法宝就是追求不缩水的服务品质。在市场上做些什么、表现如何,买家卖家都看得很清楚。


We provide not only service but also an ideology. We have a complete series of service and procedures including 12 free added value service, 18 ways of promoting our listings to ensure the maximum amount of the exposure of the listings.

All the clients who have been to our open house say that we have done it perfectly. But just like Rome does not build in the same day, we care about all the details in the team from preparation to staging to sales strategy to work/task  allocation. Some might doubt if it is worthy to spend so much time and effort on 1 property seller. Here is the fact - we had handle a transferred listing which could not be sold from other brokerage. The staging only took a couple days to finish and the property was sold in half a month with Nu Stream. The client was very impressed and became our loyal customer. From this we know that the problem was not the house, it was the agent. 

In the second half of the 2016, the new government policy struck the market tremendously and left the real estate field in despair. In Richmond, although Nu Stream did not hold up to half of the share in listing market, the quantity of open house is the half in the market. While the other are in despair, Nu Stream still ran under the high standard of service and procedure. We did not let the bad times affect our quality of service. We have done what we need to do and been consistent across the time, because detail and reputation matter.

Shortly within a year after we launched the company, Nu Stream family members has grown from 20 something to 300 something with the help and trust the of our dearest client. In the current market, the teamwork model is an infant yet. We did not lower our standard just because we are “new”. We have worked extremely hard in the past year and had progressed by a huge amount. My average client satisfaction is 4.8 out of 5 and we are still working to achieve 100% satisfactory. 



Q:  As we have known, you served a high level management role in Lenovo for 12 years. A successful corporation requires not only the business and management model but also the culture. How do you define the corporational culture in Nu Stream?


A: 欲成事,先成人,是新趋势地产公司一直坚持的理念。我们受益于社会,就必须回报社会。自挂牌营业以来,新趋势地产在专心经营主体业务的同时,并没有忘记对社会、对大众肩负的责任,积极捐赠并参与各项社会公益事业。

2016年5月12日,新趋势地产温哥华办公室安家庆典活动举行,恰逢阿省森林大火,我们便倡议不收花篮而改为现场乐捐,由公司将收集到的善款统一提交红十字会;2017年2月2日,新趋势地产温哥华公司于100-4555 Kingsway , Burnaby 举办公司本拿比办公室及楼盘展示厅开业庆典。这一次的乐捐对象是BC省的儿童医院,我们希望汇集社会各界的力量、以多种形式帮助有需要的社会群体,将爱心和温暖送到社会各个角落。

我和我的同事们始终认为,企业投身于社会公益事业并不重在一时,只有持之以恒、持续奉献才能产生良好的成效。 “乐捐”是新趋势地产一直以来的传统,而社会责任,则是新趋势一直以来的坚守。“大爱精神”是我们中华民族的传统文化,在灾难面前,更显弥足珍贵。我们愿意为爱提供一个平台,为自己、为社会提供一个贡献的机会。在未来,我们会继续将我们的爱心、责任心及回馈社会的意愿落实到日常工作的每一个点滴细节当中。

A: There is a Chinese saying “Become a complete person first, then consider becoming successful. ” This is also the virtue of us. We benefit from the society we live in, therefore we ought to do something beneficial in return. Since licensed, Nu Stream Realty have not forgot to participate in all kinds of public welfare and donation events. 

On May 12nd, 2016, Nu Stream Vancouver head quarter hosted a celebration for local residents settling in their new homes. It was when the disaster Alberta Wildfire happened. During that event, we presented donation baskets and encouraged the guests for donation. All the donation fund directly went to Red Cross Association.

On Feb 2nd, 2017, Nu Stream Vancouver hosted opening for the newly established Burnaby office and showroom at 100 - 4555 Kingsway, Burnaby. We also had donation for BC Sick Kid hospital. We hope and try our best to make the world a better place with the involvement of different social groups.

We consider engagement in social welfare is a long term and consistent investment. This is our social responsibility and we have made it a company tradition so that we will implement it in a long run to achieve the best outcome. Love & care is deeply associated with the long history in the our ethnicity. In the future, we will continue giving back to our society and let the action speaks louder than the words.




A successful entrepreneurship is not difficult to spot but the ones who are willing to give back and show gratitude are rare.

In the nearest future, Nu Stream Realty will keep expanding the business territory and influencing the society and real estate field with its own unique corporational culture. 




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